If any of the above sounds like you, it may be time hire The CharmWay Personal Coaching service. Many of the most successful people on the planet have had life coaches and continue to receive support from professional consultants. You can only benefit from the services a life coach has to offer, and you will get to where you want to be more quickly when you have someone to lean on for friendship and guidance.
But, I Can’t Afford a Life Coach
If you are genuinely struggling and can’t afford to put groceries on your table then you don’t need to go and hire the CharmWay. Read some books and watch some YouTube videos to teach you about success.
However, if you’ve tried that already and you identify with any of the above-mentioned points and your first thought is “I want a coach but I probably can’t afford a life coach”, then you likely need a life coach more than anyone else!
Let me explain,
Imagine that you are horrible at playing the piano. You’ve read all the books, watched all the videos, and even tried some new apps. But nothing has worked.
If you are committed to becoming a good piano player, you are going to hire an experienced piano instructor (who has proven results with other students) who can help you shorten your learning curve and achieve the results that you want.
In fact, this might be the only way to achieve the levels of success that you crave.
And it’s no different in life.
I understand that many people have genuine financial struggles and if that’s you then I’m not speaking to you. I’m talking about those of you here today who don’t think that you can afford a life coach.
I speak with potential clients all the time who tell me that they love what I am doing but I just can’t afford it right now.
Yet, some of these people spend hundreds of dollars on designer handbags/ clothes/sneakers, $500 a month or more going out, and waste more than $300 every month on cable, video games, useless digital subscriptions and are waiting outside of an Apple store for hours to buy a new phone.
If you make enough money to cover your basic expenses and believe that you can’t afford a life coach, I want to challenge you to look at your values.
Do you value fashion, entertainment, and comfort? Or do you value growth, achievement, and living life to the fullest.
Because if you value the latter… You would greatly benefit from working with the CharmWay Personal life coach.
We can help you develop a better understanding of money and business so that you can increase your income and have the financial freedom that you desire so that you never have to say the words “I can’t afford that” ever again.
The most prolific and successful individuals in the world get a life coach to go from good to great, so why wouldn’t you?
The highest achievers know that they can’t do the journey alone. They know that they need accountability, guidance, and an outside perspective to achieve their wildest dreams and aspirations.
It’s time to step up to the plate and stop playing small. If you need someone to hold you accountable, push you towards your greatness, and help you identify your blind spots, then it’s time to invest in yourself, hire the CharmWay and step into your greatness.
It’s not going to be easy, but it will be worth it.